Major impulses for the transition to a bioeconomy must come from the international and national level. This has been the case for Europe and Germany and is driven forward by programmes that have been launched by national and European governments
However, regional characteristics are key to creating added value in a biobased economy. Therefore, specific strategies at the regional and local level are crucial for achieving bioeconomy goals. Regional bioeconomy strategies help bring the strengths of a region to the fore. They make visible existing biomass potentials and promote their utilisation rather than relying on imports. They integrate regional research and development capacities, analyse material flows and establish interfaces with internal and external partners.
Baden-Württemberg has taken on the responsibility of ensuring that the bioeconomy will also be promoted by regional policy decisions and initiatives. Baden-Württemberg is a strong industrial location, has significant agricultural and forestry sectors and numerous universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutions that can scientifically analyse bioeconomic issues. This particular profile creates excellent conditions for implementing the transition to a biobased economy on the regional level.